It's Proverbial A Woman of Worth Read: Proverbs 31 A capable wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels (Proverbs 31:10, NRSV). What is there about Proverbs 31 that brings out the weirdness…
It's Proverbial In Praise of Self-Control Read: Proverbs 25:28 Like a city breached, without walls, is one who lacks self-control (Proverbs 25:28, NRSV). When was the last time you crumpled to the floor in a heap…
It's Proverbial Beware of Mama Bears Read: Proverbs 17:12 Better to meet a she-bear robbed of its cubs than to encounter a fool immersed in folly (Proverbs 17:12, author’s translation). Some years ago Tommy and Ray…
It's Proverbial Who Are You Calling a Slacker? Read: Proverbs 6:6-11 Go to the ant, you lazybones; consider its ways, and be wise. Without having any chief or officer or ruler, it prepares its food in summer, and…
Christmas A Brave Prayer for a New Year Read: Psalm 39 Lord, let me know my end, and what is the measure of my days; let me know who fleeting my life is (Psalm 39:4, NRSV). This may…