Notorious Ananias and Sapphira Read: Acts 4:32 – 5:16 But a man named Ananias, with the consent of his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property; with his wife’s knowledge, he kept back some…
Notorious Jezebel Read: 2 Kings 9:30-37 When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; she painted her eyes, and adorned her head, and looked out of the window. As Jehu entered…
Notorious Cain Read: Genesis 4:1-16 Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let us go out to the field.” And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel,…
Christmas Love Came Down at Christmas Dear readers: This was scheduled to go out several days ago, but it didn't. Sorry for the delay. Happy epiphany! Photo by Mieke Butera* Read: John 1:14 And the Word…