Welcoming the Stranger Welcoming the Stranger: “Hi Mom. I’m Alive!” Story: Imagine not knowing whether your child is alive. Perhaps you haven’t heard from them for months. Or maybe all you know is that they boarded a crowded boat…
Welcoming the Stranger Welcoming the Stranger: My Daughter! My Daughter! Story: From the moment this young mother was pulled from the waters of the Mediterranean, she was desperate to find her young daughter. “Mia bambina!” she cried, over and…
Welcoming the Stranger Welcoming the Stranger: You Were A Stranger Story: Happy endings are hard to come by on the island of Lamepedusa. For one thing, even the migrants who survive the journey to this tiny island gateway to…
Welcoming the Stranger Welcoming the Stranger: Rachel Weeping Story: This image of a mother cradling her baby is heartbreakingly lovely—or at least it is until we realize that they are under the waves. Then it is just…